
I have big tour de force of a post brewing right now that deals with the utter breakdown of the GOP both here in Delaware and nationally and how Democrats are not applying the “blow of mercy” but are consumed with tending to the GOP’s many wounds.

The ingredients of the stew are Ron Paul and his surprising run for the GOP nomination, John Atkins and his threat to put a D next to his name. Joe Lieberman’s endorsement of John McCain. Hillary Clinton, FISA, Tom Carper, Mike Protack, sodomy, and Dave “tax cuts work” Burris.

It is a lusty rambling narrative and I might need a week alone at the Delawareliberal survivalist compound to write it – so if you need something to tide you over read this the Celia Cohen and be prepared to puke through your nose.

Mahaffie uses more polite terms than me, but suffice to say that The Delaware State News is f*cking insane.

It’s is kinda funny watching a “WordPress Top Twenty” blog go from “panicked” to “shrill” to “dog whistle” with 3 out of the last 4 posts fretting about Huck.

According to Gallup polling data you trust nurses the most.

PRINCETON, NJ — Someone seeking a job that commands high respect need look no further than nursing. According to Gallup’s annual honesty and ethics poll, nurses top the list of occupations rated for their honesty and ethical standards, earning high marks from more than four in five Americans. A combined 84% of Americans describe nurses’ ethics as “very high” or “high.” What’s more, only 2% of Americans say nurses have low ethical standards

That’s good news for Rebecca Walker who is a nurse running against Dick Cathcart in my own 9th RD. To make matters worse for Cathcart, he is a “state officeholders” and just check out the horrible “honesty” rankings for that profession. Only 12% of you find them trustworthy putting them just above Congressmen (thank’s Mike Castle for making a laughing stock out of that once honorable profession!) Marketers, Car Salesmen and the worst of the worst – Lobbyists.

Her name is MARY LANDREIU.

If you think “Democrat” Tom Carper is the lowest, most vomit inducing, sickening sack or corporatists shit in the US Senate you’d be wrong. He is the second lowest, most vomit inducing, sickening sack or corporatists shit in the US Senate.

Check out this thread at MYDD and read about how LANDREIU swiped the crown of Carper’s head by being the vote that upheld the Republican filibuster of the energy bill because it included new taxes a rollback of tax breaks (gasp!) on for oil companies.

A summary of the commonalities:

1) An obvious failure to prepare for the sort of cyclical event that was predictable and plausible and would disproportionately harm poor people and minorities. (Thanks to a combination of incompetence and ideology—the governing principle of the Bush administration seems to be that the best way to delegitimize big government is to make sure that it functions poorly.)

2) When the deluge came, the Bush-appointed leaders of both entities, like their counterparts in relevant Cabinet agencies, failed to recognize the severity of the problem, even in the face of mounting evidence.

3) In both instances, the failure to respond in a timely manner was aggravated by a post-debacle misdirection of government resources.

4) In both instances, the combination of incompetence and neglect in the face of disaster drove emotive cable TV news divas to on-air meltdowns.

The full essay is worth the read. Too bad Bill Clinton caused all this. Bad Clinton!

This gets about as live blogging as you can get edition short of the panties hanging off the doorknob.  Right now it is 1:30 am and I, donviti am at my wits end.   It has really been as monumental an evening as a blogger can fathom.  All I will say is that my sexuality was put into question by more than one person tonight!

 Can you f’ing imagine?  A delaware blogger that was as close as it came to fraternizing with the Who’s who of delaware’s blogosphere/ “go to the drinking liberally” espionage crew could even come close to having the night that he had tonight?  Honestly it was like hedonism meet “Debbie Does Dallas XXIIV”

HOLY COW!  People hang on to you hats for the sober version of what happened last night (I mean 20 minutes ago).    All I can say is that I have a business card and a phone number that are pulling me in seperate directions that I never thought were possible in the land of donviti….

 RAM would be jealous of the night I had tonight!  woooohooooo


That’s my take.

Keep in mind that this is not a poll.   It is the sentiment of people placing actual money bets on who is going to win the nomination.

MLB steroid report: Use widespread, includes biggest stars.


Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec., IPOD Says:
December 13, 2007 at 1:05 pm Reports of fusion’s death have been greatly exaggerated….Wolfgang von Baumgart,State Secretary, IPOD

Call it a hunch, but I take this to mean that KHN is getting an IPOD endorsement. Either that or Wolfgang just takes his sweet time commenting in issues of the day.

My bad. This comment means nothing of the sort. Karen Hartley-Nagle is not looking to do anything other than run and win the Democratic nomination and take the fight to Mike Castle.

Apologies to KHN.

I want to be I pray to the almighty whitey, Jesus Christ, my lord and savior, write to Santa with my mont blanc diamond encrusted pen, play pin the tail on one of my black butlers, pick myself up by the boot straps, not ask the government for assistance, hire a lobbyists to make off shore tax shelters legal, kill the death tax,  put my money in trusts, make my income come from capital gains type rich!

Just so I can fly my hand picked Christmas tree from the East Coast flown to one of my vacation homes in Montana

All the nail biting and fretting on the GOP side can cease as of today. I have it from a good source that Levin in going to break his silence and consent to be Mike Protack’s next victim. (And if he survives that crucible, the next GOP sacrificial lamb in the race for Governor.)

Oh and One More Thing:  With this breaking story we have once again “scooped” the News Urinal.  Just sayin’.

NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)– Citigroup is expected to cut jobs, CNBC’s Charlie Gasparino reported Wednesday, although he did not specify when the layoffs would occur.According to Gasparino’s internal sources at Citi, the financial firm is expected to lay off 5% to 10% of its work force, which would account for as many as 32,000 employees.Citigroup shares were down 4.8% at $31.64 in recent trading.-By Steven Russolillo, Dow Jones Newswires: 201-938-2205, steven.russolillo@ dowjones.com

Citigroup now employs about 1880 people in Delaware.(source: NJ)

I know some people who will be significantly impacted by this. Delaware being small, I’m sure you do to.

You know who I blame.

I blame George Bush, Mike Castle, Tom Carper and Grover Norquist in that order.

The other shoe has FINALLY dropped on Bush and his toady enablers like Castle and Carper who for the past eight years pretended that Norquist had a legitimate vision for how to run an economy.

Cut taxes, then cut taxes, then cut taxes and blue birds will light on everybody’s shoulders and gumdrop trees will sprout next to rivers of chocolate syrup. Everyone can be a millionaire because you can buy a $500,000 house with no money down and sell it in two months for $750,000.


Well, that turned out to be hooey.

(BTW – Grover Norquist thinks Mitt Romney should be the President of the United States. ’nuff said.)

Drug Maker Novartis to Cut 2,500 Jobs

Flipp is bringing a lot of attention to the LDS faith and I’m wondering is the mormons are very happy about that? Were they content pretty much owning all of Utah and flying somewhat under the national radar?

It seems like a learn some wacky new fact about mormonism everyday. For example, did you know that mormons think Jesus and the Devil are brothers? I didn’t until Reverend Huckabee told the NYT about it.

I also recently found out that some mormons have special underwear, and when some LDS hippies protest against the Church they burn or deface the underwear in the manner of secular hippies buring old glory.

Of Course Mormonism has been around a long time (tens of decades), so I don’t think Romney wil have a significant longterm impact. But while he hangs around I’m sure we’ll all be learning tons of interesting things courtesy of Reverand Huckabee.

Mike Castle wants to shield banks from the consequences of providing crazy ass “NIJA” loans.

Not all investors in mortgage-backed securities are thrilled with the idea of freezing interest rates on hundreds of thousands of adjustable-rate mortgages, and some have threatened to sue if the deal goes through. They won’t be able to, though, if a bill sponsored by Republican congressman Mike Castle of Delaware becomes law. Castle’s bill would shield the mortgage banks from these lawsuits, giving them a free hand to go along with the administration’s bailout. This would do enormous damage to the reputation of securities backed by American debt.

As the NRO points out, this scheme to protect bank profits also hurts renters who have been hoping for a dip in housing prices and an opportunity to buy. The responsible people, “waited and saved for such an opportunity, even as others rushed headlong into mortgages they now find themselves unable to pay back.”

No matter. Mike Castle wants to protect bank profits at any cost. SCREW YOU RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE.

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