Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

Here is the reminder again…
There are many liberal organizations you can join if you just want to hear yourself talk.

However, if you want to help build a progressive/liberal majority in Delaware and help reform the Delaware Democratic Party join the PDD*.

Iron Hill Brewery on the Riverfront. See you at 7:00!

…but this comment at DW says most of it.

You gotta hand it to Spivack. He worked for it hard and without the slightest real help from the Biden machine which never helps any Democrats not named Biden. The party didn’t do shit for Spivack until it was too late. They were too consumed and dazzled by Beau. I think Spivvy could have won and you certainly did more than anyone to help him out. Old man Joe would have gone a long way in my book if he had come out strong for Denny. We are stuck with the Bidens forever and they will always serve themselves above all. I am sure one of the grandkids is already being groomed for the 2040 election cycle. We need more self made guys like the Spivacks of the world and a lot less pampered privileged Bidens.

I agree. And yet I was pretty sad last night when he said that he was going to run again. He and I did not talk much (maybe twice) over the past six months, and yet I came to like him. I liked his spirit and his guts. I like that he saw an injustice in Castle’s trying to pass himself off as a moderate while voting with Bush. I liked that in spite of the odds – he wanted to drag that injustice into the light.

In the process he walked into a woodchipper. Swiftboated by left wing cranks on one side and hung out to dry by the people who consider themselves the sober middle on the other. I was sad last night because I don’t want to see him to walk back into the woodchipper for people who, for the most part, could give a fuck.
No. Spivack has done his part for democracy by trying. (More than Dana Garrett can do in a lifetime of pissing on people from his high horse.) Dennis served his time. I wish him peace and quiet.

From the tommywonk prediction post:

I (Tom) went 9 for 10 on the biggest Senate races. The one I missed is Claire McCaskill in Missouri. Props to Jason who called all ten.

Just sayin’

I read it first at DWA

Anyone who thinks Democrats “are just like” Republicans is on crack.

3:00 to 4:00 I’ll be on with Dace and Dave.

Any  comments you want me to pass along? – let me know.

As for ME:

– This election is a major repudiation of “republicanism” on every level of government.

– Wharton was robbed by the dumbasses who ran his campaign making him the greater of two evils.

– Delaware is a blue state for the forseeable future.

– Speaker Pelosi (Huzza!)  “Get ready  for American deaths in Iraq to suddenly be a lot more publicized, with questions arising about what the Democrats, in power, are doing about it.

Be ready for stories about lack of body armor, lack of scrutiny in procurement cotnracts, lack of strategy, problems on the ground to suddenly become a lot visible and, again, ponderous words will be uttered about what the Democrats are doing (or not).

Be ready for the theme that Iraq is lost to become noticeably more explicit, as such, and the link made with the Democrats’ victory this week.

Just because these claims are absurd and unbelievable does not mean that they will not be uttered. All of these would be called, rightly, concern trolls on dKos. But they will be proferred by the Republicans, by Bush (who will start claiming that Democrats are preventing him from waging a winning strategy), and repeated, as usual, by the hopeless MSM.

It’s untrue, abject and par for the course. But it will happen. Are you ready for it? Are you ready to fight back? Right now? Will there be a coherent message to throw the blame back at the administration that waged (and fucked up) that war, and at the Republican Congress that blindly supported that policy throughout? Will it be made clear that the Democrats are not and were not in control of the executive branch or the Pentagon?

I expect there will be very little time to savour victory before the harsh realities of this political fight come back with a vengeance.”  – Jerome a Paris.


The DSCC released this statement on the two uncalled races:

Both Jon Tester and Jim Webb have won their races in Montana and Virginia but want to make sure that every vote is counted. We expect to have official results soon but can happily declare today that Democrats have taken the majority in the U.S. Senate.


There are many liberal organizations you can join if you just want to hear yourself talk.

However, if you want to help build a progressive/liberal majority in Delaware and help reform the Delaware Democratic Party join the PDD*.

We’ve got a lot to talk about. Some wonderful victories and some very
sad defeats. I’m so happy that John Kowalko won, my gosh he deserved
that victory. I’m just heartsick that Pat and Richard lost. If they
had been playing on a level field they would have walked away with
it. We need to raise a toast to their courage and dedication.

And while we are toasting how about raising one for Speaker Pelosi!

Come out tonight to where your friends are, where everybody knows your
name and LIBERAL isn’t a dirty word.

Iron Hill Brewery on the Riverfront. See you at 7:00!


*tonight is just about talking.

1) Delaware is a blue state from here on out. When Dalto gets as much of the vote as he did, Pat Morrison nearly knocks off a Cathy Cloutier and the Republicans standard bearer is a doddering old man – every Republican better switch thier party afiliation to Democrat if they want to vote in meaningful elections. The Democratic primaries are going to be the elections that decide who serves where from here on out.

2) Crossan and Strine blew it. They had a good candidate in Wharton but they came out of the blocks negative running away from Wharton’s true strength. His decency. (Those late radio ads with Anne Marie Fahey’s sister would have been effective – but they already established that Wharton was a mean spirited asshole.) Crossan and Strine decided to play the Rove card and poison the well of Delaware poltics. The blind Joe Biden hatred, that is a cottage industry for Crossan/Strine, was not enough to run a campaign on. They let the less experienced guy win and Republicans should not forgive them for it. (By the way, SUCK ON IT FULCHER you loser!! I’m so glad that the WDEL wall to wall hatchet job on Biden failed.)

3) You latte Democrats who don’t like organized labor better get over it.