Saturday, November 4th, 2006

Exhibit A:

Price for Virginia Senate Race at

Exhibit B: This post from FSP



This (the release of top secret documents without vwtting them) isn’t just another instance of “the buck stops here” accountability. This is an instance of direct, personal intervention by the president who countermanded the advice of his experts and ordered something to be done that resulted in nuclear secrets, written in arabic, landing on the internet.

He did this because he listened to the crew of childlike idiots, both in the congress and on the radio and internet, who comprise the heart of his political movement. It illustrates something I don’t think I’ve ever fully understood before. Bush listens to the 101st keyboarders and believes their delusionary drivel. In essence, the nation is being led by Limbaugh, Powerline and Michele Malkin.

If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you, I don’t know what will. – Digby, Via Eschaton

I am appalled that Jan Ting, himself the son of immigrants, is pandering to the xenophobic fears of his right-wing base. It’s time he and other GOP leaders peek in the mirror and stop making scapegoats of Latinos and Bill Clinton for the catastrophic failures of the Bush presidency.

Sen. Carper is an insignificant improvement on Mr. Ting. Mr. Carper has been a staunch supporter of the policies of George Bush and an unrepentant pro-war Democrat. Like the handful of Bush Democrats, this is his idea of “working across the aisle.”

Now that the heartbeat of America has turned decidedly anti-war and anti-Bush, Mr. Carper has finally begun to voice his objections over the war. He voted in favor of the controversial Military Commission Bill (aka the Bush Torture Bill), which gives rogue dictators and George Bush “discretion” to interpret the Geneva Convention as they see fit. Mainstream Democratic voters should not waste their votes on Tom Carper. Register your disagreement with his abysmal pro-Bush record by voting for a real Democrat. There has been a groundswell of support to write in the name of popular State Sen. Karen E. Peterson. She can be counted on to stand up for the progressive values of the party of FDR and Bobby Kennedy.

Michael Heyman, New Castle