No sooner do I read this….

You know how I feel about Very Nice Republicans. They’re one party change away from getting my full support. We need more “honest (so-called) Republicans” in the Democratic party. Seriously, I’d be willing to forgive Lincoln Chafee for voting for Bill Frist for Senate Majority Leader if he apologized for it and joined the Democrats. And I’d forgive Old Newbold…

Than I click over to Delaware Watch and read this..

A well placed Democratic source has informed Delaware Watch that a high profile Delaware Republican is about to switch parties and re-register as a Democrat. My source says the switch is imminent and could have significant political implications to both the Republican and Democratic Parties…

UPDATE: My money is on Italo Carrieri-Russo. Additional rumors have come in that suggest he will be returning to the Republican Party for the St. Patricks Day “Loop” but will re-re-register as a Democrat by Memorial day.

Maybe not…Anyway – TAKE THE POLL

Here are your choices.

Dave Burris
John Atkins
John Still
Wayne Smith
Mike Castle

Vote in the comment section.